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Spiritual healing, Somatic Experiencing Trauma Therapy, Compassion Inquiry, Somatic Touch Therapy, Intuition based healing, Loving Heart Connection
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Trauma-Informed TherapyIf you've been through a traumatic experience in your life, you know that trauma can present in many ways, both in the mind and the body. Rather than focusing solely on diagnoses, trauma-informed counseling acknowledges that symptoms often stem from underlying trauma. If you're experiencing stress that you can't seem to shake, it's likely that trauma is at fault. It's important to work with a trauma-informed therapist who understands what you're dealing with and who is able to tailor a counseling program to meet your needs. Our therapists view cases through this trauma-informed lens, ensuring a more comprehensive understanding of each client's unique situation. This approach involves "decolonizing the therapy space", meaning that we respect and adapt to the clients' definitions of what "healthy" means for them. This holistic perspective helps us to recognize and address all factors contributing to the clients' struggles. As such, Trauma-Informed Counseling particularly resonates with clients dealing with Complex PTSD as it reassures them that their experiences can be fully understood and respectfully handled.
Art TherapyArt Therapy is a powerful therapy that combines creativity and psychotherapy. It allows individuals to express hidden feelings and unconscious thoughts through imagery, circumventing verbal defenses. The created art pieces become tangible representations of one's therapeutic journey and provide a means to externalize and address emotional content without re-experiencing trauma. With its spatial expression, Art Therapy breaks the linear constraints of language, offering unique insights into personal conflicts and self-esteem. Many people who try art therapy for help with trauma find that they're able to discuss their trauma without having to relive the stress of the event all over again (an issue that can come up in standard talk therapy). Art therapy is a great fit for anyone with an open mind and willing to try something new to heal.
Compassion Inquiry TherapyCompassionate Inquiry Therapy is a unique psychotherapeutic approach that seeks to unearth the underlying stories we unconsciously tell ourselves. This methodology takes you beneath the surface, revealing your mental state, implicit memories, and hidden assumptions that are often masked by your words. In essence, Compassionate Inquiry Therapy offers a profound exploration of self-awareness. The process illuminates the unconscious dynamics controlling our lives, enabling us to understand and liberate ourselves from these narratives with the therapist's guidance. It's about unshackling ourselves from the stories of our past and re-scripting our future in a more compassionate, empathetic light.
Somatic TherapySomatic Experiencing® (SE), pioneered by Dr Peter A. Levine, is a body-focused approach designed to heal trauma and alleviate stress disorders. It draws from a rich blend of disciplines, including stress physiology, psychology, biology, neuroscience, indigenous healing practices, and medical biophysics, honed over 45 years of successful clinical application. SE operates on the principle of understanding and releasing traumatic shock, which is pivotal in addressing PTSD and wounds stemming from emotional and early developmental attachment trauma. The approach uniquely identifies where an individual may be "stuck" in fight, flight, or freeze responses, providing the necessary tools to release these entrenched physiological states. SE's efficacy spans diverse healing professions, empowering mental health, medicine, physical and occupational therapies, addiction treatment, education, and more with effective, transformative skills.
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